Soulbringer's GP4 blog: december 2011

30 december 2011

New old stuff?

Different front, rear wings and endplates for EJ12. I've also started mapping that one. In between I managed to model one of my all time favourite F1 cars Arrows A23 also from 2002.
Looks neat in my opinion. Plenty left to doo and side pods were hell to make right.
A23_1 A23_2

18 december 2011

Back to 2002

I’ve had this one laying on my hard drive for some time, recently I finished modelling and I am in mapping process right now. It is rich with polys, I haven’t really been holding back as I usually do.
I plan to make engine cover winglet, that curvy front wing and maybe low down force rear wing, side pod chimneys are removable (though I’m not sure that version was ever used). I’m also going to make 3D body lines, but I’ll make one regular version to  just in case.
EJ12 EJ12_2
Look at that rear end I find it beautiful.

05 december 2011

Finally some art


Even though it stands in description that this is art blog i haven’t really been posting any art yet. Until now that is! :-)

Here are my Muse Christmas competition entries. Please have in mind that since I updated hardware I haven't been able to use either my scanner nor min drawing tablet, so these images were translated through digital camera an painted using standard PC mouse.

P.S. I wrote to Santa to send me a new drawing tablet. ;-)
